Updates from the Region

Updates from the Region

It’s been a long couple of months trying to adjust to the COVID pandemic and find some resemblance of a normal routine. For some it’s meant working from home, potentially homeschooling our children and isolating yourselves. For other’s it’s meant braving the outdoors,...
AMO Report

AMO Report

Ottawa recently hosted the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) annual conference where I was privileged to participate along with regional and town colleagues. The event was attended by nearly 2000 people representing hundreds of organizations from across...
Business Sector Update

Business Sector Update

A Message for Pelham’s Business Owners and Employers I was recently asked what resources are available to self-employed individuals at this time who are not eligible for Employment Insurance Benefits (EI)? Pelham has a large self-employment base, most of whom work out...
A week into the Pandemic in Pelham

A week into the Pandemic in Pelham

It’s Sunday. I just came back from the grocery store, picking up a few items for a neighbour who arrived back from Mexico, now in self-quaranteen. Carts were being wiped down upon my arrival, customers nodded hello while keeping a safe distance, and the check...
Turning over a new leaf at the NPCA

Turning over a new leaf at the NPCA

As a new politician, the last three months have been more than eventful. I put my name forward, and was successfully appointed, as both the Chair of the Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee and the Vice-Chair of the Niagara Penninsula Conservation...